Miitopia all jobs skills
Miitopia all jobs skills

miitopia all jobs skills

Its attacks deal little damage compared to other physical jobs, and its weak Defense means that enemies hit hard. Most of the Thief's stats are below average. On the downside, the Imp's MP is fairly low, as are its Attack and Speed stats. This gives it great longevity and allows it to heal without relying on snacks and sprinkles. Later on, the job makes good use of its high Defense and HP with its Energy Drain ability. RELATED: Miitopia: The Best Weapon Of Each Type Imps can even get allies to attack in their stead with the Butt Jab ability, dealing more damage than a normal attack. It has a wide array of useful skills, ranging from powerful magic attacks to helpful status affliction. 12 ImpĪll things considered, the Imp is not that bad of a job. Still, dedicated healers and spellcasters do its job much more effectively. One of the few upsides to its weapon is that it hits multiple enemies at once, so it isn't completely worthless. Unfortunately, the more useful skills aren't unlocked until higher levels, and its weapon attacks are mediocre at best. It also has a decent Magic stat, alongside impressive wind-based attack spells. The Flower is a late-game job that mostly plays a support role through healing HP and negating status effects. The only saving grace is its impressive Attack and Defense stats (as is to be expected of a Tank). This causes Tanks to destroy their relationships more often than they destroy their foes. When a CPU controls the Tank, they often use skills that increase resentment in their fellow party members. If the Tank's weapon gets stolen, however, it can't attack at all. For starters, it has lackluster MP, which is oddly one of the stats it relies on most for attacking. There are several reasons why the Tank is below all other jobs. Whatever the case, it's always good to experiment and see what fits each individual's playstyle. Although they all have their positive and negative traits, some stand out as being exceptionally good.

miitopia all jobs skills

Each one has their own stats, abilities, and specialties. Just like many RPGs, each hero can choose from a variety of jobs. RELATED: Awesome Things Many Don’t Know About Miitopia The only real limit is the player's imagination! The Miis each person creates on the Switch can find themselves battling alongside unexpected allies. P> Miitopia puts a quirky spin on classic RPGs by allowing the player to put their favorite characters into the game. Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Skywalker Family.10 Obscure Facts You Never Knew About Pokemon Diamond & Pearl.Resident Evil: The Timeline Of Every Different Virus.

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Miitopia all jobs skills